The Thanksgiving Tag
Thanksgiving is just a little over a week away, are y’all ready?! I have been craving all the delicious Thanksgiving food since the beginning of October! I don’t know if I’m more excited about the food or that Thanksgiving is like the official start of the holidays. I keep a traditional timeline and don’t skip ahead because it keeps things more special. So once Thanksgiving hits, it’s officially holly jolly time! I feel like most Thanksgiving celebrations are pretty uniform across the board, but we all have our preferences. I’m taking on the Thanksgiving tag and answering some questions about all my favorites of this yummy holiday.
2.) What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Again, I really cannot choose between these two. Apple pie and pumpkin pie are so yummy!! What’s funny is that I don’t like apple pie any other time of the year, but I’m all about it when it’s sitting at the Thanksgiving table.
3.) What is your least favorite Thanksgiving dish?
Green beans with bacon. I think the bacon totally ruins the flavor. I like both of them, just not combined together. Another dish I can’t stand to even look at is oyster dressing. I know this one isn’t as common, but my mom’s family loves it and I think it’s so gross!!
4.) Describe your ideal Thanksgiving outfit.
One of the best parts about being an adult is getting to dress yourself. Did anyone else’s mom make them get all fancy for Thanksgiving? I hated that! It just didn’t make any sense. We're all family, who am I trying to impress? Give me comfort so I can eat!
Dresses are a great option, black yoga pants can sometimes look a little dressy depending on what you pair it with, leggings are also a good idea as long as you keep it classy and cover the booty. This was my outfit last year. A dark brown (almost) sundress that allowed me to eat as much as I wanted!
5.) What is your best Thanksgiving memory?
Oh my goodness, that’s a lot of memories to think back on! I don’t think I have one that sticks out more than the rest. Maybe when I moved out of my parents house and had my first Thanksgiving dinner with Jacob. We were all the way across the country and it was just us, but it was special because we were finally together.
6.) Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
I don’t think we have any uncommon Thanksgiving traditions. We pretty much just do the typical gathering of the family, eat, and visit together. We don’t have matching clothes, we don’t go anywhere special or watch anything traditional on tv every year. We just like to relax.
7.) Where do you and your family celebrate Thanksgiving?
We always celebrate at home, but we take turns on hosting. Last year Jacob and I hosted for my family for the first time. It was the first Thanksgiving we ever spent in our home after three years and was also our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. I took care of a few side dishes and dessert (obviously), but thank goodness I married a man that can cook!
9.) Do you prefer cranberry sauce with or without berries?
Without!! I think my sister and I are alone on this one because the rest of the family likes chunky cranberry sauce and the jellied one is pretty much always just for us. I love the cranberry flavor, I just don’t want all that texture. I like it smoooooth!
10.) What are you thankful for?
My husband, the family we’ve created, and the life we have together. I’ve been thankful for Jacob since the day I met him. He’s changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. He’s been my rock for the past 6 ½ years and I don’t know where I’d be without him. We have two of the sweetest dogs in the world that bring so much joy to our lives every day. When I look around, I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly thankful. My life is so complete. ♥

Who would ever think that choosing favorite dishes and memories would be so difficult?! I was worried this might not be the most fun tag, but I actually really appreciated taking the time to reflect on this holiday and all that it brings. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Leave me some of your answers in the comments section below!
1.) What is your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
What comes to my mind first is sweet potato casserole and cornbread dressing. I always get the most of those two and have always preferred them over everything else. There’s no way I could choose between them!2.) What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Again, I really cannot choose between these two. Apple pie and pumpkin pie are so yummy!! What’s funny is that I don’t like apple pie any other time of the year, but I’m all about it when it’s sitting at the Thanksgiving table.
3.) What is your least favorite Thanksgiving dish?
Green beans with bacon. I think the bacon totally ruins the flavor. I like both of them, just not combined together. Another dish I can’t stand to even look at is oyster dressing. I know this one isn’t as common, but my mom’s family loves it and I think it’s so gross!!
4.) Describe your ideal Thanksgiving outfit.
One of the best parts about being an adult is getting to dress yourself. Did anyone else’s mom make them get all fancy for Thanksgiving? I hated that! It just didn’t make any sense. We're all family, who am I trying to impress? Give me comfort so I can eat!
Dresses are a great option, black yoga pants can sometimes look a little dressy depending on what you pair it with, leggings are also a good idea as long as you keep it classy and cover the booty. This was my outfit last year. A dark brown (almost) sundress that allowed me to eat as much as I wanted!
Oh my goodness, that’s a lot of memories to think back on! I don’t think I have one that sticks out more than the rest. Maybe when I moved out of my parents house and had my first Thanksgiving dinner with Jacob. We were all the way across the country and it was just us, but it was special because we were finally together.
6.) Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
I don’t think we have any uncommon Thanksgiving traditions. We pretty much just do the typical gathering of the family, eat, and visit together. We don’t have matching clothes, we don’t go anywhere special or watch anything traditional on tv every year. We just like to relax.
7.) Where do you and your family celebrate Thanksgiving?
We always celebrate at home, but we take turns on hosting. Last year Jacob and I hosted for my family for the first time. It was the first Thanksgiving we ever spent in our home after three years and was also our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. I took care of a few side dishes and dessert (obviously), but thank goodness I married a man that can cook!
8.) What do you love most about Thanksgiving?
I love getting to eat the food that is never prepared throughout the rest of the year. Family gatherings happen for all the holidays, but Thanksgiving food only happens once!
9.) Do you prefer cranberry sauce with or without berries?
Without!! I think my sister and I are alone on this one because the rest of the family likes chunky cranberry sauce and the jellied one is pretty much always just for us. I love the cranberry flavor, I just don’t want all that texture. I like it smoooooth!
10.) What are you thankful for?
My husband, the family we’ve created, and the life we have together. I’ve been thankful for Jacob since the day I met him. He’s changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. He’s been my rock for the past 6 ½ years and I don’t know where I’d be without him. We have two of the sweetest dogs in the world that bring so much joy to our lives every day. When I look around, I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly thankful. My life is so complete. ♥
XO ♥ Christina ♥
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