Morphe Brushes 35W Palette Review
I hope everyone is having a great start to the New Year! I posted my review of Morphe Brushes at the beginning of December. That review was only focused on their brushes and I mentioned in the post that I had also purchased one of their palettes. Combining it all into one review would’ve been too much, so I’m here today with a separate review of the Morphe Brushes 35W Palette.
You can find this palette in their Burbank store or on their website, currently listed for $20. I have also seen them on Hautelook a couple of times and as I’m writing this, they have an event going on where you can purchase the same palette for $15. As far as going into their store or making an order on their website, you can read my experience and feedback in the other review. Long story short, I don’t recommend it.
There are 35 eyeshadows in this palette and for the price, I do think it’s a good deal. If you’re unfamiliar with Morphe, they also have this same palette but with all matte shadows. Although I’m a complete matte fanatic, I chose this palette so I can get a better understanding of all the finishes they offer. This palette has glitters, shimmers, matte, and satin shadows. Some have amazing texture and pigmentation, whereas I found others to be more dry and patchy.
Here is a swatch of the top row. I like how they generally placed all the colors from lightest to darkest in this palette, I find it to make things a bit easier. You can see a couple of these shades barely showed up, but they work great for blending. The last four shades are some that impress me most in this palette.
The colors in the second row are beautiful. I was expecting better texture and pigmentation out of the second shade, though. At first glance, the pink may look a little out of place but actually pairs nicely on the eyes with the other colors. The third shade is one of my favorites for adding a slight definition in the crease.
I was less impressed with both texture and pigmentation in the third row. It has some intriguing shades with the bright purple and the gray, but they're actually pretty disappointing. All of the shades in this row were much more dry in consistency than the first two rows and it took more effort to build up the color, which also makes them harder to blend on the lid.
It may look like the pigmentation increased a little in the fourth row, but that’s just because the colors are darker. I never swatch with any type of primer, so it took a few layers to get the shades this noticeable. I was specifically disappointed with the second to last shade, which was the most patchy out of them all.
The quality in the first two rows came back in the last row and I almost feel like this first copper shade was made with real butter! I love these darker shades for putting in the outer most corner of the eye to darken up a natural look just enough. The black is fine to layer over eyeliner, but definitely isn’t the most intense black by any means. The glittery black (second to last shade) is actually much more like a gray rather than the black that it is in the pan.
I know there’s some speculation as to whether the pre-made palettes are the same as the individual shadows and I actually asked an employee about it before making my purchase. She told me she’s heard the “rumors” and doesn’t understand it because they’re made in the same place. So without directly answering my question, I’m assuming she meant that yes they are the same shadows. If you read my experience and review of the brand from the other post, then you know I was too uncomfortable in the store to actually swatch some of their single shadows. I also thought it was pointless since they were sold out of all their neutral shades anyway. So unfortunately, I’m not able to make a comparison between this palette and the single shadows.
While I don’t think this palette is a complete dud of a product, I also can’t say that I would recommend purchasing it either. It does have some nice shadows in it, but they aren’t very unique shades and it’d be easy to find duplicates elsewhere. Their wear time isn't anything special, about 5 hours with a primer before creasing begins. Based on my experience and their company, I won’t be purchasing anything else from them for a while. At least until they make some updates to their store, website, customer service, inventory, and shipping. I did have a more positive review of their brushes, but overall I feel like it’s more hyped up than it should be.
~Mani Monday~
It’s my birthday week!! Since I’ve been wearing darker colors lately, I wanted something bright and fresh for this first week of the new year. I’m wearing All the Rage by Sinful Colors. This polish is one from their SinfulShine collection, which claims to have some type of gel technology. I wish they wouldn’t put that on there. There’s a slight difference in the consistency, the “gel” ones are a little thicker than the polishes from their original line. But as far as shine and wear time, I don’t notice anything significantly different. It still wears for about 6 days before any chipping begins. You can get away with one coat of this if you’re in a hurry, but two coats look best. I love this shade, though, and it’s refreshing to see a brighter color.
What’s on your nails this week?