Kiss imPRESS Press-On Manicure Review
Have press-on nails still been around after all these years?? The last time I remember wearing press-on nails, I was in elementary school and they were horrible! I begged my mom for them because I just had to have french manicure nails that I could tap on my desk. She finally gave in, but I never kept them on for more than 48 hours. Based on that experience, I was super skeptical about trying them again. The Kiss Impress nails had really good reviews and I couldn’t help but to see how this manicure concept has improved.

The Kiss Impress nails are supposed to be a press-on gel type of nail, so they’re a little bit softer and more flexible than the original plastic design. Their new Ultra-Fit line is specifically what I was interested in because they claim for those designs to be slimmer and stronger for a more natural looking, comfortable fit.
The first style that I picked up is called Yeah Boy. I’ve been obsessed with the marble nail design ever since I first saw it, but I never go to get my nails done at a salon so this was the perfect solution. Each set comes with 30 nails total, so you can essentially get three uses out of every kit. They typically retail around $8 (I’ve even found them cheaper at Target and Walmart), which would make each manicure less than $3!!
One of the first things you’ll notice about this line is that they all come with some type of accent nail. I haven’t seen them offer any styles that are all one color. They have a plastic cover on the bottom of the nail with a number to reference for sizing. If you have multiple numbers that could fit a nail, it’s recommend to always choose the smaller option.
Application is super easy! After choosing the correct size for each nail, you use the included prep pad to clean the nail bed, then peel off the plastic cover and press them on. It’s important to make sure the nail is aligned straight and to press firmly for about 30 seconds for a stronger adhesion. It’s also recommended that you apply the thumbs last for easier application.
Once applied, you can take the provided nail file to shorten and shape them. I actually don’t do much to the nails because I like the square shape that they have and they’re not very long to begin with. I keep my natural nails short because I can’t stand working around long nails, or the feeling of the under part of the nail getting dirty, so I’m very happy to see the wearable length that these come in.
The photo above was taken immediately after application. The photo below is what they looked like seven days later. They pretty much look the exact same because these things wear extremely well!! I did have a little lifting from days 5-7, as you can see below, which was annoying because it’d pull at my hair. I also noticed the nails had a little bit of movement to them. That concerned me at first, but I realized when I tried removing them how strong the adhesion actually was.
After trying the marble design, I really wanted to find one with a french manicure. Not only would that allow me to test this line more thoroughly, but the clear design would allow me to see what’s really going on underneath the nail throughout the week. This style is called Queen B and I definitely felt more comfortable wearing them the second time after seeing how well they lasted.
This had more of a natural color rather than a pink for the french manicure design. However, I can’t say if I really have a preference for one or the other. This design was great for testing purposes, but I would definitely feel more confident wearing the marble design. This see-through color made it really obvious to tell that these were press-on nails. You could see little pockets of air in the middle of the nail and where the adhesive stopped.
After seven days, these still held up very well as far as how secure they were on the nail. However, they did look more rough than the marble set. I did file these down more and I wasn’t as careful with them throughout the week because I wasn’t worried about them popping off. I’m not exactly sure what caused it, but the edges were deteriorating quite a bit. Along with the nails lifting, I also lost the largest rhinestone accent on both hands.
To remove them, just trying to peel them off didn’t work for me. I put some acetone in the cap of the bottle, soaked each nail for a few seconds, and used a wooden cuticle pusher to slowly work the adhesive off of my nail. Thankfully, I was very happy to see that there was absolutely no damage to my natural nails at all. It took a few hours for them to feel completely normal after having all that pressure on them for a week, but they weren’t brittle or thin at all like when I’ve had acrylics or a gel manicure from a salon.
I am so impressed with these press-on nails, I can’t believe it! Through my weeks of testing, I was worried that they’d pop off or the adhesion would loosen with every hand-washing, but that wasn’t the case. They were still completely in tact after seven days. Between they’re extended wear time, the adorable designs, the length, and the price, I don’t think there’s anything better. If you’ve been curious about these or just want to switch up your manicure routine, I highly recommend picking up a set from the Kiss Impress line!
If you found this post helpful, please feel free to share it using one of the buttons below. If you have any other questions, leave them for me in the comments. Have you tried these nails before? What design is your favorite?
~Mani Monday~
After wearing the french manicure last week and white before that, I was craving some color. I was inspired with yesterday’s Easter fun to go with a pastel purple. This one is by Sinful Colors called Candy Coated. It’s been one of my favorite pastel purple formulas for years. It has the tiniest hint of a blue undertone that makes it more unique and flattering on the nails.
What’s on your nails this week?
XO ♥ Christina ♥
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